About Me

Hi! I'm Betsy Gaccione, and I'm so appreciative that you are here!

I came to art later in life after a career in finance and then staying home to raise my two sons. I've always had an interest in art, my sister is a formally trained and talented artist (laurafair.com), and there have been times throughout my life where I've explored various types of creating as a hobby. But it wasn't until we all stayed home in 2020 that I decided I shouldn’t ignore my desire to draw and paint anymore, and I began learning watercolor. While I’ve had no formal art education, I cannot say that I am self-taught. I've learned mostly from the convenience of incredibly generous artists that share their techniques and experience with the world found in how-to books from my local library and online. Those teachers were ready and available whenever I had the time. Following their demonstrations gave me results that I was happy with almost immediately, which was so fun! I began to mail my little paintings to friends or drop them in neighbors’ mailboxes during the pandemic, and I haven't stopped playing with art supplies since.

I now experiment in other mediums in addition to watercolor. I try to draw or paint daily, and I'm still developing my style. Super realistic rendering is amazing, but it's just not fun to me. I paint for joy, and getting too detailed makes me feel bogged down. So, I am working on trying to create just enough detail to get the point across while keeping the painting fresh and loose and fun for me. This shop was developed to give outlet to my creating, a place for my artwork to go so that I can keep doing it.  My husband and two sons have been so supportive!  We live together with our goldendoodle, Beau, outside of Nashville, Tennessee.

Click here for the story behind the Artful Well Wishes collection. Thank you for your support!